Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Land Mine Museum

I really respect Mr. Akira who is the founder of the Land Mine Museum. I was speechless after watching the DVD in the museum. The volunteers and their love towards their country and the people amazed me.

From the DVD, I see how these volunteers risk their life in the jungle to protects the people who are living at the land mine areas. The kids are so 'real' with their smiling face. Some of them are handicapped due to the landmines.

Before the visit to land mine museum, I wander why are the Cambodians so relax to play music at the wat. Now I realised that they are doing it to earn a living. Most of the music players are victims suffer from the land mine. They lost their ability to work heavily, yet they still put in effort to perform the traditional Khmer music (not begging) to earn money. I salute them!

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